I Am Free, My Life Will Soon Reflect It

“Dearly beloved… we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life. Electric word- life… that means forever and that’s a mighty long time…but I’m here to tell you…there’s something else. The afterworld. A world where there is never-ending happiness, where you can always see the sun–day or night. So, when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills– you know the one, Doctor “Everything Gone Be Alright”? Instead of asking him how much of your time is left– babe, ask him how much of your mind is left. Because in this life, things are much harder than the afterworld. In this life…you’re on your own.”

-Prince (Let’s Go Crazy, 1984)

This sermon lives rent free in my mind. Prince is unveiling the fact that every new day in this life is a new day in eternity. We play our part in securing our sanity by following the sermon’s call to action at the end. Refuse to let the elevator take us down. Time isn’t real in the other world that Prince describes; if it is real, it isn’t measured. I believe in what I say when I recite the affirmation, “I am free, my life will soon reflect it.” The physical freedom I’ve miraculously manifested for most of my childhood is here. Next on the horizon– is the mental freedom I’m seeking. That, I believe, is on its way to me as well.

I am a kind-hearted person who is done suffering at the hands of anyone for the sake of keeping the peace. We don’t need to take one for the team anymore than we already have. It’s Women’s History Month and I want nothing more than to take the advice of our dearly beloved, Prince. If the elevator tries to break you down, go crazy. This is the opening song on his album for a reason. He meant for his audience to be open minded to dissolving parameters at the onset of his body of work. Girls and women all around the world have been playing by the rules for far too long. In that time, we’ve learned that the reward for unquestioned obedience is more submission. The more you listen and obey, the more you’re expected to listen and obey. Before you know it, you’ve been molded into this caricature that is so far from who you actually are you don’t even recognize yourself. This Women’s History Month, I say– enough of that .


Sometimes it feels like the whole world wants women to get used to abuse. Normalize mistreatment for the sake of everybody getting along. I have to disagree with society and side with Prince on this one. “When the elevator tries to break you down…go crazy.” Punch a higher floor. I’m done talking to Dr. Everything’s Gonna Be Alright.” Things are going to be alright when women take their power back with action steps toward liberation. We are here for redemption. Redemption from pain, abuse, victimization and mistreatment. We deserve respect and the dignity of humanity.

Harsh truth in his revelation that we are on our own. That is, until we get to the other side. Each time I attempt to let someone into the depths of my mind, I regret it. “Keep your own council” is part of the 42 Laws of Ma’at, the Goddess of Truth–remember that. No one needs to understand me because no one needs to be me. There is only one me. So, building this army of “understanders” is an exercise in futility. The mental freedom I’m seeking is being free from yearning for understanding. “I am free, my life will soon reflect it.”

I want women to be free from being trapped in the “good girl” mold with no room for self expression. That mold only leads to destruction. Expression is discouraged in that mold because there is a 90% chance your genuine emotions are misaligned with the expectations of your oppressors. I learned years ago in a conversation around slavery, that “one can not expect the oppressor to initiate the liberation process of the oppressed.” Freedom is a gift we have to grant ourselves. We can’t wait for a savior to come along and offboard our hardships. Being “good” won’t earn you your liberation. Compliance only tightens the noose. My goal everyday is to take it alose and show other people how to do it too. Women have had enough of life in the scapegoat lane and playing that role doesn’t sit well anymore. Y’all can have it.

Women possess more power than we’ve been permitted to process. We’ve put our heads down and kept our mouths closed for long enough. This Women’s History Month, I want every woman to know she’s free. Having that as a first step is key. Give it time and liberation in other areas will automatically align. Don’t wait until the afterworld to be free and experience joy. Have it now. Say these words and mean them- “I am free, my life will soon reflect it.” Believe it. Receive it.

Stare down the barrel of your traumas and don’t be threatened by triggering thoughts. No weapon formed against us as a collective shall prosper. That goes for yesterday, today and tomorrow. The highest peak is still unreached in the quest for liberation. Keep your own council. Guard your heart. Release the yearning for acceptance and understanding. Give the love, tenderness and validation you seek to yourself. It’s time for us as women to take a step back from being contributors in our own imprisonment by hoping compliance earns us emancipation.

-Ariel (03/10/2024)

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