My Own Truth is The Greatest Truth I Will Ever Know

When people give you an out, take it. A mantra that I live by each day in both micro and macro moments. We live in a society where we are thrown to the mercy of the court of public opinion. These times are unlike any other where gross misunderstandings and propaganda can spread like wildfire among the masses. It’s your word against the world’s. Seldomly are the assumptions and accusations aligned with facts. We live in a world buzzing with alternative facts and there’s not much we can do about it. Ain’t that a trip? Existing in flight or flight mode just to uphold a pristine image can be a losing battle.  So, why bother?

What is so valuable about getting the truth out of people is that it completely frees you! If the world is painting your character in a complete masquerade–let em’ believe what they want. The struggle comes when you take on the daunting task of reconfiguring their misunderstanding. Relax and play the role you know in your heart of hearts you are meant to play. Stay on mission. 

I only need to keep living my truth because I stand firmly in my belief that “My own truth is the greatest truth I will ever know.” What is real is what is here now. The internet is not a real place and the hodge podge of public opinions don’t determine the way that reality flows to you. 



So now, the act of overextending myself beyond my own personal mission can come to a graceful close. All efforts, sacrifice and contributions up until this point have barely moved the needle– so hey, maybe I’ve been doing too much. 

My mother said that the best way to combat feelings of being unappreciated is to do less. Feeling undervalued then becomes a moot point when you can be absolutely sure of your value and what you bring to the table. I know that anything I touch turns into gold. So what do I need to go out and sell the world an image for? Those who have been blessed with true sight can see me clearly. 

I’m challenging myself from this moment forward that when I come across a person who doesn’t trust my intentions or value my contributions the solution is not to work to win their trust. Plan B is in fact to recognize the misalignment,  scale back and do less. Not out of spite to show the accusers otherwise or clear up misunderstandings. But the motivation to fall back is rooted in honoring myself and my time. 

I understand that I can not convert anyone into a believer of my magic. If you know, you know. If you don’t get it–you won’t get it. Maybe one day, but if not–oh well. Their false perceptions of you is not an accurate reflection of you. It’s reflective of the awareness they lack or the projections they cast. You can’t make anyone believe you. But if you “know thyself,” you’ll be fine. 

I have the peace that surpasses all understanding because I know the truth of who I am. I also know that this truth is the greatest truth I will ever know. I’ve put the conscious effort to lovingly accept myself by accepting what is true about me. That is a tall order that most people avoid doing for consecutive lifetimes at a time.

I know that my task here on earth is not campaigning for the world’s acceptance. My only job is to keep playing my role with the utmost authenticity. I can sit back, relax and watch passively as the swamps are being drained. We will all see the objective truth eventually.


-Ariel (07/01/2023)

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