Art can not be contained and reduced to rules and regulations. Beyonce has brought this idea to life with her Cowboy Carter album release. Her journey into the self by way of the Country music genre has sparked controversy across the nation. She courageously declared her righteousness in art with her open letter saying, “this ain’t a country album, it’s a Beyonce album.” She is no stranger to controversy and even attributes the buzz to the fact that she is that HBIC. Her decision to rise above the music genre barriers is so inspiring. There is a decades-long, deep seated belief that there is no place for Black folks in Country music. That is a bold-faced lie. Music originated with us, we have the experiences, the scars on our hearts and the songs in our souls to invent new instruments and genres alike. Most music genres are rooted in African traditions. Country music is no different.

I saw a post recently that said, for artists, the cure for depression is expression. I feel that statement to the core. The idea of constraint around creativity just defies the laws of nature. Beyonce understands this and I’m thankful she freed all the Blackbiirds in the BeyHive to blaze their own trails. I hope the opposition is prepared for us to take flight. It took the silent suffering of her entire career that expands across decades to get to this moment of transparency and healing. This body of work in Cowboy Carter is no mistake, gimmick or PR stunt. Her pain is real and her unbridled expression is even realer. Welcome to the new world order– the rodeo is here to stay!
-Ariel (04/05/24)