Bravery Is My Only Option

Overcoming fear takes as long as it takes. True bravado– I think– is rooted in curiosity. The curiosity to ask questions, test theories and explore new terrain. When I think of the card, “Bravery is my only option,” I think of what motivates me to succeed. Bravery is the ability to step up to our last known limitation zone and push beyond it. Sometimes, my last limitation zone is just a footstep behind where I am currently standing. I rarely overcome fears by huge leaps and bounds–expect that one time I went indoor skydiving. That’s something altogether different.

For the most part, I achieve bravery with a piecemeal approach. Moving just centimeters beyond my last phobia. There are others, whom I always admire, that slay the heads off their fears like a medieval knight. My approach to fear slayage is with the “death by a thousand paper cuts” method. I was an extremely wimpy kid and until recently, an extremely wimpy adult. It wasn’t until I ventured into the world of metaphysics by way of affirmations that I made a shift. Metaphysics is the study of manipulating reality. Speaking things into existence with affirmations is an important arm of the science. When I tout in the marketplace that our products are contributing to a “courage enthusiasm” movement, it’s undeniably true.

I realized that if we run from our fears, we will always be afraid of those same fears. This tendency to run, then results in a compounding effect. As we navigate life, picking up new fears without overcoming the old ones, a weight begins to build. Before long, a paralysis develops that renders us stuck under the weight of our boogie monsters. Our overall cognitive and physical function suffers and we spiral through a constant loop of terror. There are so many people that crash out because they let their fear get the best of them.

I have made the commitment to make bravery my only swim lane. As soon as I recognize a blind spot of fear in my life, I pause and dissect it. I sit with it and evaluate whether this is my actual fear or an adopted one. If you didn’t know, I’m thrilled to tell you–most of our fears, don’t even belong to us. We absorb other people’s fears all the time without knowing it. Since I’ve journeyed into fear management, I noticed that half my phobias are picked up from parents, siblings, and other members of my tribe. When we were kids, our folks planted fear seeds in our heads as a way to control and regulate our behavior. It takes some folks an entire lifetime to move beyond this type of programming.

Being brave includes believing in the unseen. Dreamers, visionaries, and anybody in touch with their inner child are often typecast by society as “crazy.” A prominent author, Paulo Coelho (The Alchemist), said on a podcast that earning the “crazy” crown is the most liberating experience. He sat with Oprah Winfrey on SuperSoul Conversations and reminisced on the time he was dwelling in the fringes of society with a manuscript no one believed in. 

He explained that on his journey to authorship, literary authorities deemed him mentally unstable. He was ostracized by his family, friends, colleagues and everyone in between. He continued his feverish chase to have the world know his art. Despite the denial, he kept pitching The Alchemist. Being called “crazy,” he explained in the interview, freed him from the confining shackles of decent behavior. Once your community sees you as crazy there are no more rules.

Crazy folks aren’t held to the non-stop pressures of avoiding social blunders. Faux pas is a way of life for them and they could care less who doesn’t like it. 

He was free to color outside the lines and push his manuscript by any means necessary. That “crazy” label placed on him by those he once trusted gave him the golden key to unlock the handcuffs of polite society. Then and only then did he delve in the depths of his own self expression. I was forever changed by this interview. After achieving outcast status, he lived in the land of absolute liberation. Crazy folks are free and people tend to stay out of their way.

As an artist, my goal is to reach these same levels of epic unbotheredness. If crazy is the cloak I have to don in order to do that, then so be it. People will talk about you regardless. So you might as well be the hot topic of conversation and be free at the same time. Every genius has a brush stroke of insanity inside them. It’s the only way to detach from societal norms long enough to create meaningful art. That takes a whole nother level of bravery. The bravery to go beyond the matrix coding. 

Another aspect of bravery worth noting is that it is not an emotion that can be performed. What we see in movies and on reality TV of people acting chaotically with zero regard for their personal safety nor that of others isn’t bravery at all. It’s quite the opposite. Mastering those primal emotions and facing our fears with grace is the most appropriate way of showcasing strength. Bravery is the ability to face your fears head on without all the extra “Ra-Ra Razzle Dazzle.”

Good luck to everyone out there embarking on this never-ending journey. It’s sometimes traveled only one centimeter at a time and that’s okay. We have an entire lifetime to push past our self imposed limitations. Each day is chalked full of hard choices we don’t want to have to make. However, the better we get at making definitive decisions, the braver we become. There is nothing in this world more formidable than a made up mind. I put that on everything. I wish everyone reading this grows more brave by the day!


-Ariel Celeste

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